Friday, November 22, 2013

21 Days ~ Healthy Living Journal

Howdy again, this wasn't on the list for this month, but I plan on implementing it soon.  It is on the list to "read" but it is actually a 21 day journal.  It is a journal with pages to record your healthy living goals for the next 21 days.  It is said, that it only takes 21 days to form a habit.   By taking that time to focus on specific goals and record diet, exercise, and journal according to the prompts given such as "Answer the following questions:
1) What are my health-related fears?
2) What actions am I taking to confront them?
will allow you to make a big step toward health, and hopefully you would want to continue making those positive changes, therefore creating healthy living habits.

It also has a place for visualizing your goals.  In this highly electronic world, it is sometimes more difficult to actual find hard copies of things to use.  If you go the hard-copy route, I would recommend magazines, pictures, and/or sticky notes.  Another recommendation is a Pinterest board dedicated to this 21 day endeavor which you look at daily.  Another thought would be to compile a PowerPoint collage and look at it each day, print if you choose (ink can be pricey), but definitely look at it daily.  With this "book", I plan to post snippets of my day of healthy living (I hope) and journal entries.  I need to form healthy habits, and I know that this can work.  Why?

Nearly two years ago, I ran across another 21 day journal.  This one was for spiritual health.  It was lime green and jumped out at me primarily for its color and then for its message.  This journal revolutionized my life.  It allowed me to build a habit of spending time with God.  I fell in love with God by intentionally setting time aside everyday to be with Him through His Word, the Bible, and journaling my prayers.  The journal was just the push I needed.  I know that this journal can do the same. 

These journals also come with plastic bracelets with "Make It a Habit!" inscribed on them to serve as a daily reminder during this 21 day period of your goals and commitment. I plan to wear mine and actually remember my goals when tempted to give up or make a not so great choice.

Day 1 starts tomorrow for me.  I know what you are thinking, "What! Right before Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays?"  Yes, that is one of the many reasons I need to start NOW!  I will post my goals tomorrow and maybe throw in some visual inspiration as well.
Never Say Never,

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