Monday, December 2, 2013

Healthy Living ~ Days 5-10~WOW!

Thanksgiving has come and gone.  I don't think I did too badly.  I got in some exercise on the treadmill and a few minutes of indoor swimming.  It was nice.  I am working on getting back into the swing of things and re-establishing my routines.  I am forgetting to eat now, and that NEVER happens.  I am going to attempt to set up reminders for my meals and snacks, so that I know that I am properly fueling my body.  I am also going to keep a close eye on my sleep, both quantity and quality of sleep.
I haven't journaled much due Thanksgiving.  Tomorrow, I plan to catch up and post an overview.  Right now it is past my bedtime, so I will have to sign off now.  I know my "why" is to glorify God, and my "how" is starting to take shape with each and every choice I make.  Good night and sweet dreams, and tomorrow is a new day to build routines.

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