Friday, November 22, 2013

First Book ~Talking with God everyday prayers

First book down 109 to go!  This book appealed to me most because of its cover.  I am fascinated with the color lime green or  in this case green apples.  Aside from the cover the content of prayer piqued my interest as well.
This book is a collection of prayers taken (with permission) from various other books on prayer and authors that have published prayers within their books.
This book is a small-lightweight book that is great on the go or that will rest easily on your nightstand beckoning you to read a prayer before you crawl into bed and let sleep overtake you.  It is broken into sections such as "times of trouble" and "prayers for the lonely"  and so on allowing you to flip easily between sections rather than read from beginning to end.
This book would be a good gift for a friend or even a prayer (giving the proper credit) would make a nice card for a person in need.  I would recommend this book to anyone who needs a word of encouragement.  It is a book that can be a reference rather than just a one-time read.
As I began reading this book, the prayers began to speak to me in the very circumstances that I found myself.  I couldn't believe that these words would encourage me so, but they did.  I kept asking God, "Really, God?  This was here the whole time, but it took this silly experiment for me to find it."  I have a feeling that this is just the beginning God has for me with this experiment.  I am looking forward to what's next.

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